
Welcome to Entrepreneurial Advisory Service (EAS)

EAS is led by Brian Wiegand, the founder of six Wisconsin based startups. He founded Bizfilings in 1997, NameProtect in 1998, Jellyfish in 2006, Alice.com in 2008, Hopster in 2011 and Spin Live in 2020.

Bizfilings was acquired by Wolters Kluwer with a 16.2 cash/cash return, NameProtect by CSC Corp with a 3.0 cash/cash return, Jellyfish by Microsoft with a 11.9 cash/cash return and Hopster by Inmar with a 5.3 cash/cash return.

Alice.com and Spin.Live did not return any capital to investors.

Learn more about our Advisory Services.

Exits as of 12/31/2022
BizFilingsclick to view press release                         NameProtectclick to view press release
jellyfishclick to view press release                         Hopsterclick to view press release

Failed as of 12/31/2022
Alice                         Spin.live